Preschool Lesson Plans

PK-01 - Caps for Sale - Act it Out
This lesson can be simplified for younger children to focus around mimicry or increased in complexity for students who are ready to identify words in a text.
PK-02 - Caps for Sale - Put the Caps on the Monkeys
This lesson can be differentiated by providing students with a single monkey and a single cap or by providing them a more detailed picture with multiple monkeys and multiple caps.
PK-03 - Caps for Sale - Color a Cap
This lesson can be modified for early preschoolers.

PK-04 - More Caps for Sale - Recall and Retell
This lesson is easily modified to allow students to recall and retell the parts of the story they enjoyed.
PK-05 - More Caps for Sale - Identifying Items
This lesson can be increased in complexity to include more advanced vocabulary, position words, adjectives, and comparative phrases.
PK-06 - More Caps for Sale - Monkey Emotions
This lesson can be increased in complexity to include more advanced vocabulary, adjectives, and different images.

PK-07 - Mindful Monkeys - Monkey Match
This lesson can be simplified by choosing objects that are much different in appearance (for example, trees, flowers, the sun, etc.).
PK-08 - Mindful Monkeys - Helping in the Classroom
This lesson is written to be taught after classroom expectations have been established, but it can be modified to serve as an introduction to creating classroom expectations.

PK-09 - Circus Caps - Who, What, Where
Students can be pushed to use more complex language and sentence structure when describing what they see on the page.